Sushant Singh Rajput has committed suicide. The suicide of Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajput has shocked people. Sushant Singh Rajput, a talented actor has committed suicide. Many people are forced to think that, who always has a smile on his face, silently said goodbye to the world. According to sources, Sushant was suffering from depression and was undergoing treatment for some time. Do you know how this depression starts? What is going on in the mind is that people lose their lives by taking such unfair decisions. Psychologists say that no one goes into sudden depression, but stress and anxiety can take the form of depression in the long run. In relation to depression, psychiatrists often state that it is a type of mental disorder that does not affect a person immediately. It has different stages. If a person is diagnosed early on the basis of certain symptoms, the person may be prevented from going into severe depression. Depression begins w...
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